Updated 1/31/2011: Slot Car Express Fyrebox-1 (SH-030) RPM and torque tested.
1/8/11: Pioneer slim can and more FC-130 data.
12/26/10: Fly F1 FF-050 RPM tested by Phil Kalbfell.
12/12/10: Sloting Plus Speed-2 RPM and torque tests by Torquemadaslot.
12/6/10: Fly Slot FC-130 RPM tested 36,473 RPM/12v.
11/28/10: Two more JWL/JJ Slot RPM tests.
11/5/10: JWL Slot (importer) Jiada and JJ Slot RPM tests.
10/28/10: Scaleauto SC0025 (FK-180) RPM and torque added;
Nine Rev-Mono, MRRC slim cans' RPM and torque tested;
AMT vintage, purple can FT-36D RPM tested;
Slot.It Flat 6-R RPM tested.
10/16/10: Carrera 1/24 standard and Tuning "24k" RPM tested.
10/14/10: JK Falcon VII RPM and torque tested.
10/13/10: Pro Slot Euro Mk 1 "26k" and TSR D3 RPM and torque tested.
9/12/10: Link to Criccrac, a Spanish shop with lots of motors, some unavailable in the USA/Canada, with performance specs:
9/1/10: Slot.It blue/teal endbell "19.5k" motor tested 21,025 RPM/12v.
7/29/10: MSC Thunder long-can (FK-180) tests by Torquemadaslot added.
7/28/10: Carrera F1, KTM X-Bow slim can (FF-050) torque tested.
5/31/10: Sloting Plus Speed 2 long can (FK-180) RPM and torque added.
5/29/10: Carrera F1, KTM X-Bow slim can (FF-050) RPM tested.
4/18/10: Vanquish MG long can RPM and torque tested.
3/29/10: SCX RX-42B RPM and torque tested.
3/18/10: Pioneer Typhoon 18k RPM and torque tested.
3/2/10: NINCO NC-14 "Speeder+" RPM and torque added.
2/26/10: NSR King 21 "Evo 2" RPM and torque tests from Torquemadaslot.
2/4/10: Colgate Motion toothbrush motor (FK-180) RPM and torque tested.
1/19/10: NINCO NC-12 "Crusher+" RPM and torque added.
1/18/10 Team Slot TS-11 (FK-180) RPM and torque added.
1/16/10: Parma Super 16D torque and RPM tested.
1/15/10: NSR King "16,800" torque and RPM tested.
1/10/10: Scaleauto "new version" RPM and torque from 2009 catalog #7. Twelve motors changed, although part numbers remain the same.
Colgate Motion FK-180 toothbrush motor (foreground) with four similar performing FK-180 motors behind:
2/4/10: Colgate Motion toothbrush motor (FK-180) RPM and torque tested.
1/19/10: NINCO NC-12 "Crusher+" RPM and torque added.
1/18/10 Team Slot TS-11 (FK-180) RPM and torque added.
1/16/10: Parma Super 16D torque and RPM tested.
1/15/10: NSR King "16,800" torque and RPM tested.
1/10/10: Scaleauto "new version" RPM and torque from 2009 catalog #7. Twelve motors changed, although part numbers remain the same.
Colgate Motion FK-180 toothbrush motor (foreground) with four similar performing FK-180 motors behind:
BWA NC1-spec motors; slim can in foreground (FF-050), standard cans in background (FC-130). Motors and pinions donated by BWA:
Mainline Hobbies Rush 36k (FC-130), which tested above its specs for RPM and torque. Motors donated by Mainline Hobbies:
Ninco NC-8 in foreground (FK-130), with green inductor in motor lead. NC-1 (torn label) behind. NC-8 donated by Electric Dreams:
Slot.It Black Can (left), Slot.It Blue Endbells (right). Black Can donated by Fantasy World:
Ranch Design GM series motors; small box SH-030 (left), slim can (right). Small box donated by Ranch Design:
Scaleauto 20k ball bearing motors; standard FC-130 (left), long can FK-180 (right). Motors donated by MRRC/Scaleauto:
The Slot Cars Blog Motor List provides motor specifications for people wishing to build cars, write rules, create slot car classes, study motors, or just look at data. The Motor List is created, researched, written, and maintained by Robert Livingston, and is independent of any manufacturer or commercial entity.
Motors are listed alphabetically by name of importer or distributor, not the actual manufacturer. Most motors are made by Mabuchi (for Fly, Ninco, Scalextric); Sun (for Carrera, SCX, Slot.It), or others. Vintage motors are in a sub-category under "V", at the end of the list.
RPM and torque data is at 12 volts, for purposes of comparison. If we do not have 12v data from the manufacturer or our own tests, we have extrapolated it from 14.8 or other voltages. This method is accurate within a few percent. [RPM/voltage, or gcm/voltage, extrapolated from RPM or torque at another voltage, is reported in brackets].
The Slot Cars Blog Motor List provides motor specifications for people wishing to build cars, write rules, create slot car classes, study motors, or just look at data. The Motor List is created, researched, written, and maintained by Robert Livingston, and is independent of any manufacturer or commercial entity.
Motors are listed alphabetically by name of importer or distributor, not the actual manufacturer. Most motors are made by Mabuchi (for Fly, Ninco, Scalextric); Sun (for Carrera, SCX, Slot.It), or others. Vintage motors are in a sub-category under "V", at the end of the list.
RPM and torque data is at 12 volts, for purposes of comparison. If we do not have 12v data from the manufacturer or our own tests, we have extrapolated it from 14.8 or other voltages. This method is accurate within a few percent. [RPM/voltage, or gcm/voltage, extrapolated from RPM or torque at another voltage, is reported in brackets].
Motors are tested for RPM and torque turning clockwise (CW) looking forward at the motor as if it were in an inline car, unless noted counter-clockwise (CCW).
RPM ratings are no-load at voltage, as reported by the manufacturer or distributor (no-load RPM is the maximum a motor will develop). “Est.” means “estimated”. “Tested” means at least one sample was tested for RPM at the listed voltage, under no load, with this tachometer: www.checkline.com/tachometers/CDT-1000HD
The tach reads the RPM by shining a red light on a spinning disc on the motor shaft. The disc has a piece of reflective tape attached:
If an RPM range is given, two or more motors were tested. Tested RPM is in red. Tests are done after two to four minutes of running at 12v, no load, in order to get the motor up to operating temperature.
Torque ratings are at stall, reported as “gcm” (gram centimeters) at voltage (stall torque is the maximum a motor will develop). Vintage motor torque data was found in inch-ounces, so a conversion factor of 1 in-oz = 72 gcm was used. Most torque data is manufacturer’s data; only limited tests of torque have been done by us. Tested torque is in red. A 1 cm, counterbalanced torque arm is secured to the motor shaft, with a push rod against a gram scale. Nine equally spaced readings around a single revolution of the armature are taken at 4 volts; the average is multiplied by 3, to derive 12v stall torque. This simple device is shown here:
Torque test results may vary from manufacturer's claims, as different methods are used by different manufacturers to assess torque. In limited cases, Amp (A) ratings at 12v are listed, which are roughly equivalent to torque, so that two RPM versions of a given motor with the same Amp draw may develop the same torque.
The last data given for each motor is maximum power output, in Watts (W), at 12 volts. Power is derived from both RPM and stall torque. Maximum power is produced at around half the max RPM, where torque is also halved. The formula used is:
((Max RPM/2)*(max torque/2))/100,000 = Watts
Or, stated in words, "The product of half the max torque times half the max RPM, divided by 100,000, yields max power, in Watts." To convert Watts to Horsepower, divide Watts by 746 (746 Watts equal 1 HP).
The formula is standard; please note that this power formula only applies to electric motors; it does not apply to gasoline or diesel, internal combustion engines! The conversion factor for Watts was given to us by Maurizio Ferrari, of Slot.It.
An excellent explanation of small DC motor performance may be found at:
Generic designation (in parentheses) is based on Mabuchi designations:
(FC-130) is the standard slot car motor, sometimes called Mabuchi or S type.
(FK-130) is the Fox or TSRF type.
(FK-180) is the Boxer or long can type.
(FF-050) is the slim, long can F1 type.
(FF-030) is the slim, short can such as SCX 1/43 Compact.
(SH-030) is the small box type.
Motors of the same type can usually be interchanged in their specific chassis brackets, although the shaft lengths may not be the same.
In the photo below, one of each type is illustrated. Counter-clockwise from upper right, they are: Slot.It Boxer 2 (FK-180), Scalextric Moto Bike and F1 (FF-050), Plafit Fox (FK-130), Slot.It V12/3 (FC-130), Fly and Scalextric "black stripe" standard (FC-130), and two vintage motors; Cox TTX-250 (FT-36D), and Pittman DC-195A (open frame, single magnet).

To distinguish similar types, the color of the motor case, label, or endbell is listed in quotes, for example, "red endbell".
Ninco Kart, Pink Kar small box, and Pink Kar FC-130 motor RPM is from Racebaan, a Dutch site with photos and data for many motors:
Some torque and RPM tests are by Torquemadaslot, using methods similar to those of the Slot Cars Blog Motor List, and are so credited.
Slot Cars Blog MOTOR LIST:
Artin "white endbell" (FC-130) more common version tested 13,100 RPM/12v
Artin "white endbell" (FC-130) less common version tested 26,200 RPM/12v
Artin "yellow endbell" (FC-130) tested 24,600 RPM/12v
Auto Art "red stripe" (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12; tested 27,360 RPM/12v
Auto Art "black stripe" (FC-130) tested 26,675 RPM/12v
Avant Slot Hunter "green" (FK-180) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v
[308 gcm/12v] 380 gcm/14.8v, 15.6W/12v, 11 gr. magnetic downforce.
Avant Slot Hurricane "orange" (FK-180) [21,892 RPM/12v] 27,000 RPM/14.8v; tested 23,751 RPM/12v
[308 gcm/12v] 380 gcm/14.8v, 16.9W/12v, 8 gr. mag dnf.
Avant Slot Master "light green" (FK-180) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v, 3 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Speed "red" (FK-180) [28,378 RPM/12v] 35,000 RPM/14.8v, 6 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Endurance "yellow" (FK-180) [17,838 RPM/12v] 22,000 RPM/14.8v, 1 gr. mag dnf.
Avant Slot Hunter 4x4 RS "white" (FK-180) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v, 11 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Hunter 4x4 CS "black" (FK-180) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v, 11 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Republic "violet" (FK-180) 25,000 RPM/12v(?), 7 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Mag Motor "blue" (FC-130) [21,892 RPM/12v] 27,000 RPM/14.8v
[405 gcm/12v] 500 gcm/14.8v, 22.2W/12v, 44 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Wizard "gold" (FC-130) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v, tested 20,100 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
tested 138 gcm/12v by Torquemadaslot, 7.2W/12v, 4 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Hercules "pink" (FC-130) [21,892 RPM/12v] 27,000 RPM/14.8v, 6 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Sprint "yellow" (FC-130) [28,378 RPM/12v] 35,000 RPM/14.8v, 4 gr. mag. dnf.
Beardog Racing/ABSlotsport (FF-030) 24,300 RPM/12v
BRM T-027 standard (FK-180) 23,800 RPM/12v
186 gcm/12v, 11.1W/12v
BRM T-RS (FK-180) 20,700 RPM/12v
192 gcm/12v, 9.9W/12v
BRM T-RS Evo (FK-180) 25,000 RPM/12v
325 gcm/12v, 20.3W/12v
BWA BWMS050 (FF-050) tested 14,145-14,702 RPM/12v
tested 63-71 gcm/12v, 2.4W/12v
BWA BWNC1 (FC-130) tested 13,832-14,315 RPM/12v
tested 110-115 gcm/12v, 3.9W/12v
Carrera E-100 (FC-130) tested 24,577-26,017 RPM/12v
[76 gcm/12v] 94 gcm/14.8v, 4.7W/12v
Carrera E-200, E-500 (FC-130) [21,081 RPM/12v] 26,000/14.8v, tested 18,058-20,6340 RPM/12v
[96 gcm/12v] 118 gcm/14.8v, 5.1W/12v
Carrera 1/32 Tuning (FC-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
Carrera F1, KTM X-Bow (FF-050) tested 24,872-25,095 RPM/12v
tested 112-115 gcm/12v, 7-7.1W/12v
Carrera 1/24 “gold” tested 9,500/12v
Carrera 1/24 "silver" [12,000 RPM/12v] 18,000 RPM/18v; tested 11,540-12,100 RPM/12v, tested 18,414-18,675 RPM/18v
Carrera 1/24 Tuning "silver" [16,000 RPM/12v] 24,000 RPM/18v; tested 16,048 RPM/12v, tested 24,496 RPM/18v
Cartrix TX1 (FC-130) 13,000 RPM/12v
65 gcm/12v, 2.1W/12v
Cartrix FX Sport (FC-130) 17,000 RPM/12v
120 gcm/12v, 5.1W/12v
Cartrix TX2 18,600 RPM/12v
Cartrix TX2.3 Speed (FK-180) [17,200 RPM/12v] 21,500 RPM/15v
[264 gcm/12v] 330gcm/15v, 11.4W/12v
Cartrix TX4 (FK-180) [16,000 RPM/12v] 20,000 RPM/15v
Cartrix TX5 Genius (FK-180) 22,500 RPM/12v, tested 23,460-25,536 RPM/12v
Cartrix Xperimental (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
130 gcm/12v, 6.5W/12v
Cartrix TZ Race (FK-130) 26,000 RPM/12v
160 gcm/12v, 10.4W/12v
Cartrix SH Pro (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v, tested 27,267 RPM/12v
190 gcm/12v, 14.3W/12v
RPM ratings are no-load at voltage, as reported by the manufacturer or distributor (no-load RPM is the maximum a motor will develop). “Est.” means “estimated”. “Tested” means at least one sample was tested for RPM at the listed voltage, under no load, with this tachometer: www.checkline.com/tachometers/CDT-1000HD
The tach reads the RPM by shining a red light on a spinning disc on the motor shaft. The disc has a piece of reflective tape attached:
Torque ratings are at stall, reported as “gcm” (gram centimeters) at voltage (stall torque is the maximum a motor will develop). Vintage motor torque data was found in inch-ounces, so a conversion factor of 1 in-oz = 72 gcm was used. Most torque data is manufacturer’s data; only limited tests of torque have been done by us. Tested torque is in red. A 1 cm, counterbalanced torque arm is secured to the motor shaft, with a push rod against a gram scale. Nine equally spaced readings around a single revolution of the armature are taken at 4 volts; the average is multiplied by 3, to derive 12v stall torque. This simple device is shown here:
The last data given for each motor is maximum power output, in Watts (W), at 12 volts. Power is derived from both RPM and stall torque. Maximum power is produced at around half the max RPM, where torque is also halved. The formula used is:
((Max RPM/2)*(max torque/2))/100,000 = Watts
Or, stated in words, "The product of half the max torque times half the max RPM, divided by 100,000, yields max power, in Watts." To convert Watts to Horsepower, divide Watts by 746 (746 Watts equal 1 HP).
Slot.It V12/3 "orange end bell" rated 21,500 RPM/12v, and 170 gcm torque at 12v.
((21,500RPM/2)*(170gcm/2))/100,000 = ? Watts
((10,750RPM)*(85gcm))/100,000 = ? Watts
913,750/100,000 = ? Watts
= 9.1 Watts
9.1/746 = .012 HP
((21,500RPM/2)*(170gcm/2))/100,000 = ? Watts
((10,750RPM)*(85gcm))/100,000 = ? Watts
913,750/100,000 = ? Watts
= 9.1 Watts
9.1/746 = .012 HP
The formula is standard; please note that this power formula only applies to electric motors; it does not apply to gasoline or diesel, internal combustion engines! The conversion factor for Watts was given to us by Maurizio Ferrari, of Slot.It.
An excellent explanation of small DC motor performance may be found at:
Generic designation (in parentheses) is based on Mabuchi designations:
(FC-130) is the standard slot car motor, sometimes called Mabuchi or S type.
(FK-130) is the Fox or TSRF type.
(FK-180) is the Boxer or long can type.
(FF-050) is the slim, long can F1 type.
(FF-030) is the slim, short can such as SCX 1/43 Compact.
(SH-030) is the small box type.
Motors of the same type can usually be interchanged in their specific chassis brackets, although the shaft lengths may not be the same.
In the photo below, one of each type is illustrated. Counter-clockwise from upper right, they are: Slot.It Boxer 2 (FK-180), Scalextric Moto Bike and F1 (FF-050), Plafit Fox (FK-130), Slot.It V12/3 (FC-130), Fly and Scalextric "black stripe" standard (FC-130), and two vintage motors; Cox TTX-250 (FT-36D), and Pittman DC-195A (open frame, single magnet).
To distinguish similar types, the color of the motor case, label, or endbell is listed in quotes, for example, "red endbell".
Ninco Kart, Pink Kar small box, and Pink Kar FC-130 motor RPM is from Racebaan, a Dutch site with photos and data for many motors:
Some torque and RPM tests are by Torquemadaslot, using methods similar to those of the Slot Cars Blog Motor List, and are so credited.
Slot Cars Blog MOTOR LIST:
Artin "white endbell" (FC-130) more common version tested 13,100 RPM/12v
Artin "white endbell" (FC-130) less common version tested 26,200 RPM/12v
Artin "yellow endbell" (FC-130) tested 24,600 RPM/12v
Auto Art "red stripe" (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12; tested 27,360 RPM/12v
Auto Art "black stripe" (FC-130) tested 26,675 RPM/12v
Avant Slot Hunter "green" (FK-180) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v
[308 gcm/12v] 380 gcm/14.8v, 15.6W/12v, 11 gr. magnetic downforce.
Avant Slot Hurricane "orange" (FK-180) [21,892 RPM/12v] 27,000 RPM/14.8v; tested 23,751 RPM/12v
[308 gcm/12v] 380 gcm/14.8v, 16.9W/12v, 8 gr. mag dnf.
Avant Slot Master "light green" (FK-180) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v, 3 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Speed "red" (FK-180) [28,378 RPM/12v] 35,000 RPM/14.8v, 6 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Endurance "yellow" (FK-180) [17,838 RPM/12v] 22,000 RPM/14.8v, 1 gr. mag dnf.
Avant Slot Hunter 4x4 RS "white" (FK-180) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v, 11 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Hunter 4x4 CS "black" (FK-180) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v, 11 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Republic "violet" (FK-180) 25,000 RPM/12v(?), 7 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Mag Motor "blue" (FC-130) [21,892 RPM/12v] 27,000 RPM/14.8v
[405 gcm/12v] 500 gcm/14.8v, 22.2W/12v, 44 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Wizard "gold" (FC-130) [20,270 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14.8v, tested 20,100 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
tested 138 gcm/12v by Torquemadaslot, 7.2W/12v, 4 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Hercules "pink" (FC-130) [21,892 RPM/12v] 27,000 RPM/14.8v, 6 gr. mag. dnf.
Avant Slot Sprint "yellow" (FC-130) [28,378 RPM/12v] 35,000 RPM/14.8v, 4 gr. mag. dnf.
Beardog Racing/ABSlotsport (FF-030) 24,300 RPM/12v
BRM T-027 standard (FK-180) 23,800 RPM/12v
186 gcm/12v, 11.1W/12v
BRM T-RS (FK-180) 20,700 RPM/12v
192 gcm/12v, 9.9W/12v
BRM T-RS Evo (FK-180) 25,000 RPM/12v
325 gcm/12v, 20.3W/12v
BWA BWMS050 (FF-050) tested 14,145-14,702 RPM/12v
tested 63-71 gcm/12v, 2.4W/12v
BWA BWNC1 (FC-130) tested 13,832-14,315 RPM/12v
tested 110-115 gcm/12v, 3.9W/12v
Carrera E-100 (FC-130) tested 24,577-26,017 RPM/12v
[76 gcm/12v] 94 gcm/14.8v, 4.7W/12v
Carrera E-200, E-500 (FC-130) [21,081 RPM/12v] 26,000/14.8v, tested 18,058-20,6340 RPM/12v
[96 gcm/12v] 118 gcm/14.8v, 5.1W/12v
Carrera 1/32 Tuning (FC-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
Carrera F1, KTM X-Bow (FF-050) tested 24,872-25,095 RPM/12v
tested 112-115 gcm/12v, 7-7.1W/12v
Carrera 1/24 “gold” tested 9,500/12v
Carrera 1/24 "silver" [12,000 RPM/12v] 18,000 RPM/18v; tested 11,540-12,100 RPM/12v, tested 18,414-18,675 RPM/18v
Carrera 1/24 Tuning "silver" [16,000 RPM/12v] 24,000 RPM/18v; tested 16,048 RPM/12v, tested 24,496 RPM/18v
Cartrix TX1 (FC-130) 13,000 RPM/12v
65 gcm/12v, 2.1W/12v
Cartrix FX Sport (FC-130) 17,000 RPM/12v
120 gcm/12v, 5.1W/12v
Cartrix TX2 18,600 RPM/12v
Cartrix TX2.3 Speed (FK-180) [17,200 RPM/12v] 21,500 RPM/15v
[264 gcm/12v] 330gcm/15v, 11.4W/12v
Cartrix TX4 (FK-180) [16,000 RPM/12v] 20,000 RPM/15v
Cartrix TX5 Genius (FK-180) 22,500 RPM/12v, tested 23,460-25,536 RPM/12v
Cartrix Xperimental (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
130 gcm/12v, 6.5W/12v
Cartrix TZ Race (FK-130) 26,000 RPM/12v
160 gcm/12v, 10.4W/12v
Cartrix SH Pro (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v, tested 27,267 RPM/12v
190 gcm/12v, 14.3W/12v
Colgate Motion toothbrush (FK-180) tested 20,240 RPM/12v
tested 317 gcm/12v, tested 16.0W/12v
EJ’s/Plafit Fox (FK-130) see listing under Plafit
Fly standard “black stripe, white endbell” (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v, tested 20,408-21,159 RPM/12v
est. 75-100 gcm/12v, est. 5W/12v
Fly "black endbell" (FC-130) tested 21,450-21,753 RPM/12v
tested 71-85 gcm/12v, 3.9-4.6W/12v
Fly F1 (FF-050) tested 19,475-19,623 RPM/12v by P. Kalbfell
Fly Rally 1 (FK-180) [14,595 RPM/12v] 18,000 RPM/14.8v, tested 14,960 RPM/12v
Fly Rally 2 (FK-180) [17,027 RM/12v] 21,000 RPM/14.8v
Fly Racing EVO-2 (FK-180) [17,820/12v] 22,000 RPM/14.8v, tested 17,353-17,764 RPM/12v
Fly "Fly Racing Components" Truck (FK-180) tested 15,401-15,412 RPM/12v
tested 194-203 gcm/12v, tested 7.5-7.8W/12v
Fly Racing (FK-130) 26,750 RPM/12v
Fly Daytona Prototype (FK-180) 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 18,575 RPM/12v
tested 294 gcm/12v, 13.7W/12v
Fly Racing SP Scorpion (FK-180) [17,820 RPM/12v] 22,000 RPM/14.8v
[219 gcm/12v] 270 gcm/14.8v, 9.8W/12v
Fly Slot "white endbell" (FC-130) tested 36,473 RPM/12v
Fly Slot (FK-180) 18,000 RPM/12v
“Green endbell” (FC-130) 24,000 RPM/12v, tested 20,200 RPM/12v
H&R Racing Lightning Motor 1 (FK-130) 40,000 RPM/12v; tested 41,495 CCW RPM/12v
H&R Racing Hawk Motor I (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 18,900-19,000 RPM/12v
tested 140 gcm/12v, 6.6W/12v
JK Falcon II (FK-130) 48,000 CCW RPM/12v
JK Falcon V (FK-130) 48,000+ RPM/12v
JK Falcon VII (FK-130) 40,000+ RPM/12v; tested 46,513 CW RPM/12v
tested 258 gcm/12v CW, tested 30W/12v
JP Slot (FK-180) [16,216 RPM/12v] 20,000 RPM/14.8v
[195 gcm/12v] 240 gcm/14.8v, 7.9W/12v
JWL/Jiada Sedan "black endbell" (FC-130) tested 23,805 RPM/12v
JWL/Jiada Blue 71 "black endbell" (FC-130) tested 30,525 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot JWL-1 1/53 scale "white endbell" (FC-130) tested 15,605 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot Super Bike "white endbell (FC-130) tested 23,338 RPM12v
JWL/JJ Slot 1/43 Car "red endbell" (FC 130) tested 23,294 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot JWL-2 (SH-030) tested 25,123 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot 1/32 Car "red endbell" (FC-130) tested 14,120 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot 1/32 Car "yellow endbell" (FC-130) tested 13,932 RPM/12v
Mainline Hobbies Rush (FC-130) 36,000 RPM/12v, tested 36,600 RPM/12v
218 gcm/12v; tested 215 gcm/12v, 19.7W
Mainline Hobbies Rush new version (FC-130) 36,000 RPM/12v, tested 38,145 RPM/12v
193 gcm/12v, tested 257 gcm/12v, 24.5W/12v
MB Slot KRAHS 23 (FC-130) 23,955 RPM/12v
268 gcm/12v, 16.1W/12v
MB Slot GNIK 021 (FK-180) 21,066 RPM/12v
314 gcm/12v, 16.5W/12v
MB Slot GNIK 023 (FK-180) 24,000 RPM/12v
319 gcm/12v, 19.2W/12v
MB Slot DODO (FC-130) 23,000 RPM/12v, tested 24,400-26,200 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
316 gcm/12v, 20.7W/12v - high magnetic downforce
MB Slot Song NA (FK-180) 21,000 RPM/12v, tested 21,800 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
tested 280 gcm/12v, 15.3W/12v
Monogram; see Revell-Monogram (current issue) or see listing under Vintage
MRRC CS-2002 Clubman Special Supersport (FK-130) [19,500 RPM/12v] 26,000 RPM/16v
[53 gcm/12v] 70 gcm/16v, 2.6W/12v
MRRC CS-2003 Clubman Special Turbofire (FK-130) 32,000 RPM/12v
80 gcm/12v, 6.4W/12v
MRRC Red Can, see listing under Scaleauto SC06 "red"
MRRC Scaleauto motors, see Scaleauto
MRRC slim can (FF-050) tested 20,526-22,410 RPM/12v
tested 119-121 gcm/12v, tested 6.3-6.8W/12v
MSC Thunder (FK-180) 21,000 RPM/12v, tested 22,000 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
320 gcm/12v, tested 340gcm/12v by T., tested 18.7W/12v
Mura Group 20 Hi-Timed tested 27,800 RPM/4v [83,400 RPM/12v]
NINCO NK-1 Kart (SH-030) 14,000 RPM/12v, 19,400 RPM/18v
NINCO NC-1 (FC-130) [12,730 RPM/12v] 15,700 RPM/14.8v, tested 12,858-14,237 RPM/12v
[60 gcm/12v] 74 gcm/14.8v, 1.9W/12v, tested 77gcm/12v, tested 2.6W/12v
NINCO NC-8 (FK-130) [12,973 RPM/12v] 16,000/14.8v, tested 13,370/12v w/inductor, 13,635 w/o inductor
[71 gcm/12v] 87 gcm/14.8v, 2.3W/12v, tested 75 gcm/12v w/inductor, 84 gcm/12v w/o inductor
NINCO NC-9 (FK-130) [16,216 RPM/12v] 20,000 RPM/14.8v
[118 gcm/12v] 145 gcm/14.8v, 4.8W/12v
NINCO NC-11 (FK-130) [12,973 RPM/12v] 16,000 RPM/14.8v
[81 gcm/12v] 100 gcm/14.8v, 3.2W/12v
NINCO NC-2 “black label” (FK-180) [14,676 RPM/12v] 18,100 RPM/14.8v, tested 14,298- 14,750 RPM/12v
[213 gcm/12v] 263 gcm/14.8v, tested 212 gcm/12v, tested 7.8W/12v
NINCO NC-2 “red label” (FK-180) [14,676 RPM/12v] 18,100 RPM/14.8v, tested 15,809-16,465 RPM/12v, tested 20,868/14.8v
[213 gcm/12v] 263 gcm/14.8v, tested 238-243 gcm/12v, tested 9.4-10.0W/12v
NINCO NC-3 (FK-180) [17,108 RPM/12v] 21,100 RPM/14.8v
[264 gcm/12v] 326 gcm/14.8v, 11.3W/12v
NINCO NC-4 [25,135 RPM/12v] 31,000 RPM/14.8v
[183 gcm/12v] 226 gcm/14.8v, 11.5W/12v
NINCO NC-5 (FK-180) [16,216 RPM/12v] 20,000 RPM/14.8v, tested 20,930-21,638 RPM/14.8v
[235 gcm/12v] 290 gcm/14.8v, 9.6W/12v
NINCO NC-6 (FK-180) [19,054 RPM/12v] 23,500 RPM/14.8v, tested 19,189-20,130 RPM/12v
[284 gcm/12v] 350 gcm/14.8v, 13.5W/12v, tested 176 gcm/12v, 8.6W/12v
NINCO NC-7 (FK-180) [15,649 RPM/12v] 19,300 RPM/14.8v, tested 15,630 RPM/12v
[215 gcm/12v] 265 gcm/14.8v, 8.4W/12v
NINCO NC-10 (FK-180) [21,081 RPM/12v] 26,000 RPM/14.8v
[243 gcm/12v] 300 gcm/14.8v, 12.8W/12v
EJ’s/Plafit Fox (FK-130) see listing under Plafit
Fly standard “black stripe, white endbell” (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v, tested 20,408-21,159 RPM/12v
est. 75-100 gcm/12v, est. 5W/12v
Fly "black endbell" (FC-130) tested 21,450-21,753 RPM/12v
tested 71-85 gcm/12v, 3.9-4.6W/12v
Fly F1 (FF-050) tested 19,475-19,623 RPM/12v by P. Kalbfell
Fly Rally 1 (FK-180) [14,595 RPM/12v] 18,000 RPM/14.8v, tested 14,960 RPM/12v
Fly Rally 2 (FK-180) [17,027 RM/12v] 21,000 RPM/14.8v
Fly Racing EVO-2 (FK-180) [17,820/12v] 22,000 RPM/14.8v, tested 17,353-17,764 RPM/12v
Fly "Fly Racing Components" Truck (FK-180) tested 15,401-15,412 RPM/12v
tested 194-203 gcm/12v, tested 7.5-7.8W/12v
Fly Racing (FK-130) 26,750 RPM/12v
Fly Daytona Prototype (FK-180) 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 18,575 RPM/12v
tested 294 gcm/12v, 13.7W/12v
Fly Racing SP Scorpion (FK-180) [17,820 RPM/12v] 22,000 RPM/14.8v
[219 gcm/12v] 270 gcm/14.8v, 9.8W/12v
Fly Slot "white endbell" (FC-130) tested 36,473 RPM/12v
Fly Slot (FK-180) 18,000 RPM/12v
“Green endbell” (FC-130) 24,000 RPM/12v, tested 20,200 RPM/12v
H&R Racing Lightning Motor 1 (FK-130) 40,000 RPM/12v; tested 41,495 CCW RPM/12v
H&R Racing Hawk Motor I (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 18,900-19,000 RPM/12v
tested 140 gcm/12v, 6.6W/12v
JK Falcon II (FK-130) 48,000 CCW RPM/12v
JK Falcon V (FK-130) 48,000+ RPM/12v
JK Falcon VII (FK-130) 40,000+ RPM/12v; tested 46,513 CW RPM/12v
tested 258 gcm/12v CW, tested 30W/12v
JP Slot (FK-180) [16,216 RPM/12v] 20,000 RPM/14.8v
[195 gcm/12v] 240 gcm/14.8v, 7.9W/12v
JWL/Jiada Sedan "black endbell" (FC-130) tested 23,805 RPM/12v
JWL/Jiada Blue 71 "black endbell" (FC-130) tested 30,525 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot JWL-1 1/53 scale "white endbell" (FC-130) tested 15,605 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot Super Bike "white endbell (FC-130) tested 23,338 RPM12v
JWL/JJ Slot 1/43 Car "red endbell" (FC 130) tested 23,294 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot JWL-2 (SH-030) tested 25,123 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot 1/32 Car "red endbell" (FC-130) tested 14,120 RPM/12v
JWL/JJ Slot 1/32 Car "yellow endbell" (FC-130) tested 13,932 RPM/12v
Mainline Hobbies Rush (FC-130) 36,000 RPM/12v, tested 36,600 RPM/12v
218 gcm/12v; tested 215 gcm/12v, 19.7W
Mainline Hobbies Rush new version (FC-130) 36,000 RPM/12v, tested 38,145 RPM/12v
193 gcm/12v, tested 257 gcm/12v, 24.5W/12v
MB Slot KRAHS 23 (FC-130) 23,955 RPM/12v
268 gcm/12v, 16.1W/12v
MB Slot GNIK 021 (FK-180) 21,066 RPM/12v
314 gcm/12v, 16.5W/12v
MB Slot GNIK 023 (FK-180) 24,000 RPM/12v
319 gcm/12v, 19.2W/12v
MB Slot DODO (FC-130) 23,000 RPM/12v, tested 24,400-26,200 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
316 gcm/12v, 20.7W/12v - high magnetic downforce
MB Slot Song NA (FK-180) 21,000 RPM/12v, tested 21,800 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
tested 280 gcm/12v, 15.3W/12v
Monogram; see Revell-Monogram (current issue) or see listing under Vintage
MRRC CS-2002 Clubman Special Supersport (FK-130) [19,500 RPM/12v] 26,000 RPM/16v
[53 gcm/12v] 70 gcm/16v, 2.6W/12v
MRRC CS-2003 Clubman Special Turbofire (FK-130) 32,000 RPM/12v
80 gcm/12v, 6.4W/12v
MRRC Red Can, see listing under Scaleauto SC06 "red"
MRRC Scaleauto motors, see Scaleauto
MRRC slim can (FF-050) tested 20,526-22,410 RPM/12v
tested 119-121 gcm/12v, tested 6.3-6.8W/12v
MSC Thunder (FK-180) 21,000 RPM/12v, tested 22,000 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
320 gcm/12v, tested 340gcm/12v by T., tested 18.7W/12v
Mura Group 20 Hi-Timed tested 27,800 RPM/4v [83,400 RPM/12v]
NINCO NK-1 Kart (SH-030) 14,000 RPM/12v, 19,400 RPM/18v
NINCO NC-1 (FC-130) [12,730 RPM/12v] 15,700 RPM/14.8v, tested 12,858-14,237 RPM/12v
[60 gcm/12v] 74 gcm/14.8v, 1.9W/12v, tested 77gcm/12v, tested 2.6W/12v
NINCO NC-8 (FK-130) [12,973 RPM/12v] 16,000/14.8v, tested 13,370/12v w/inductor, 13,635 w/o inductor
[71 gcm/12v] 87 gcm/14.8v, 2.3W/12v, tested 75 gcm/12v w/inductor, 84 gcm/12v w/o inductor
NINCO NC-9 (FK-130) [16,216 RPM/12v] 20,000 RPM/14.8v
[118 gcm/12v] 145 gcm/14.8v, 4.8W/12v
NINCO NC-11 (FK-130) [12,973 RPM/12v] 16,000 RPM/14.8v
[81 gcm/12v] 100 gcm/14.8v, 3.2W/12v
NINCO NC-2 “black label” (FK-180) [14,676 RPM/12v] 18,100 RPM/14.8v, tested 14,298- 14,750 RPM/12v
[213 gcm/12v] 263 gcm/14.8v, tested 212 gcm/12v, tested 7.8W/12v
NINCO NC-2 “red label” (FK-180) [14,676 RPM/12v] 18,100 RPM/14.8v, tested 15,809-16,465 RPM/12v, tested 20,868/14.8v
[213 gcm/12v] 263 gcm/14.8v, tested 238-243 gcm/12v, tested 9.4-10.0W/12v
NINCO NC-3 (FK-180) [17,108 RPM/12v] 21,100 RPM/14.8v
[264 gcm/12v] 326 gcm/14.8v, 11.3W/12v
NINCO NC-4 [25,135 RPM/12v] 31,000 RPM/14.8v
[183 gcm/12v] 226 gcm/14.8v, 11.5W/12v
NINCO NC-5 (FK-180) [16,216 RPM/12v] 20,000 RPM/14.8v, tested 20,930-21,638 RPM/14.8v
[235 gcm/12v] 290 gcm/14.8v, 9.6W/12v
NINCO NC-6 (FK-180) [19,054 RPM/12v] 23,500 RPM/14.8v, tested 19,189-20,130 RPM/12v
[284 gcm/12v] 350 gcm/14.8v, 13.5W/12v, tested 176 gcm/12v, 8.6W/12v
NINCO NC-7 (FK-180) [15,649 RPM/12v] 19,300 RPM/14.8v, tested 15,630 RPM/12v
[215 gcm/12v] 265 gcm/14.8v, 8.4W/12v
NINCO NC-10 (FK-180) [21,081 RPM/12v] 26,000 RPM/14.8v
[243 gcm/12v] 300 gcm/14.8v, 12.8W/12v
NINCO NC-12 (FK-180) [19,054 RPM/12v] 23,500 RPM/14.8v
[219 gcm/12v] 270 gcm/14.8v, 10.4W/12v
NINCO NC-14 (FK-180) [16,702 RPM/12v] 20,600 RPM/14.8v
[227 gcm/12v] 280 gcm/14.8v, 9.5W/12v
NINCO 1/28 XLOT XL-1 (FK-130) [20,878 RPM/12v] 25,750 RPM/14.8v
[235 gcm/12v] 290 gcm/14.8v, tested CCW 267 gcm/12v, 12.3-14W/12v
Nomad Racing FK ETC. (FK-130) CCW 55,000 RPM/12v
Nomad Racing Pit Bull (FK-180) CCW 48,000 RPM/12v
NSR Shark (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
164 gcm/12v, 8.2W/12v
NSR Shark (FC-130) 22,400 RPM/12v, tested 21,100 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
168 gcm/12v, tested 155 gcm/12v by T, 9.2W/12v, tested 8.2W/12v by T.
NSR Shark (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
176 gcm/12v, 11.0W/12v
NSR Shark (FC-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
210 gcm/12v, 15.8W/12v
NSR Shark (FC-130) 40,000 RPM
210 gcm/12v, 21.0W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 16,800 RPM/12v, tested 16,200 RPM/12v
211 gcm/12v, 8.9W/12v, tested 192 gcm/12v, tested 7.8W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 21,400 RPM/12v; tested 21,404 RPM/12v
270 gcm/12v, 14.4W/12v
NSR King 21 Evo 2 (FK-180) 21,400 RPM/12v, tested 22,850 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
322 gcm/12v, 16.8W/12v; tested 292 gcm/12v, tested 16.7W/12v by T.
NSR King (FK-180) 25,000 RPM/12v
270 gcm/12v, 16.9W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 30,000 RPM/12v
310 gcm/12v, 23.3W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 38,500 RPM/12v
310 gcm/12v, 29.8W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 46,000 RPM/12v
310 gcm/12v, 35.7W/12v
Parma 458 Homeset-Transformer (16D) tested 18,360 RPM/12v
Parma Death Star (16D) tested 38,042 RPM/12v
Parma Super 16D tested 50,766 RPM/12v,
tested 202 gcm/12v, tested 25.6W/12v
Patto's Little Ripper (FK-130) 37,000 RPM/12v
Pink-Kar Type 1 (SH-030) 19,700/12v, 24,800 RPM/18v
Pink-Kar Power Plus 1 (FC-130) 13,100 RPM/12v
Pink-Kar Competi Power Plus 3 (FK-180) [17,432 RPM/12v] 21,500 RPM/14.8v
[264 gcm/12v] 326 gcm/14.8v, 11.5W/12v
Pioneer Cyclone 15,000 RPM/12v
Pioneer Hurricane (FF-050) 21,000 RPM/12v
Pioneer Typhoon (FC-130) 15,000 RPM/12v
Pioneer Typhoon (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v, tested 18,967 RPM/12v
tested 131 gcm/12v, tested 6.2W/12v
Pioneer Typhoon (FC-130) 21,300 RPM/12v
150 gcm/12v
Pittman; see listing under Vintage
Plafit Rabbit (FC-130) 24,000 RPM/12v (21,800 RPM/12v per Prof. Motor)
.5A, (100 gcm/12v per Prof Motor, 5.5W/12v)
Plafit Pointer (FK-130) 21,700 RPM/12v per Prof. Motor
112 gcm/12v per Prof. Motor, 6.1W/12v
Plafit Fox (FK-130) 25,000 RPM/12v; tested 26,500/12v
Plafit Fox II (FK-130) 27,000 RPM/12v, tested 26,866 RPM/12v
.7A, tested 208 gcm/12v, tested 14.0W/12v
Plafit Cheetah closed can (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
Plafit Cheetah II open can (FK-130) 35,000 RPM/12v (36,000 RPM/12v per Prof. Motor)
.9A (250 gcm/12v per Prof. Motor, 22.5W/12v)
PN Racing Misuwa (FC-130) 27,810 RPM/12v
PN Racing Nasaka (FC-130) 21,660 RPM/12v, 27,450 RPM/14.8v; tested 22,502 RPM/12v
tested 196 gcm/12v, tested 11.0W/12v
~50 gr magnetic downforce (Magnet Marshal @ .042" ground clearance)
Power Slot Nissan (FK-180) [21,429 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14v
Power Slot PS-1 (FK-180) [19,054 RPM/12v] 23,500 RPM/14.8v
Power Slot PS-2 (FF-050) 13,000 RPM/12v
Power Slot PS-3 (?) [21,429 RPM/12v] 25,000/14v
Professor Motor Hot Rod Pro “orange endbell” (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12v, tested 27,000- 28,607 RPM/12v
105 gcm/12v, 6.9W/12v
Professor Motor Fox 10 (FK-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
204 gcm/12v, 12.8W/12v
Pro Slot Evo 1 “blue label” (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v
Pro Slot Evo 2 “gold label” (FC-130) 21,500 RPM/12v, tested 20,527-22,443 RPM/12v
80 gcm/12v, 4.3W/12v
Pro Slot Evo 3 “red label” (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12v
100 gcm/12v, 6.5W/12v
Pro Slot Evo 4 (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v, tested 26,000/12v
Pro Slot Euro Mk1 (FC-130) 26,100+ RPM/12v tested 27, 616 RPM/12v CW
155 gcm/12v, 10.1W/12v tested 184 gcm/12v CW, tested 12.7W/12v
Pro Slot Euro Mk1 (FC-130) 37,000+ RPM/12v
165 gcm/12v, 15.3W/12v
Pro Slot Euro Mk1 (FC-130) 47,000+ RPM/12v
155 gcm/12v, 18.3W/12v
Radio Shack 6v (FF-030) tested 29,326 RPM/12v,
NINCO NC-14 (FK-180) [16,702 RPM/12v] 20,600 RPM/14.8v
[227 gcm/12v] 280 gcm/14.8v, 9.5W/12v
NINCO 1/28 XLOT XL-1 (FK-130) [20,878 RPM/12v] 25,750 RPM/14.8v
[235 gcm/12v] 290 gcm/14.8v, tested CCW 267 gcm/12v, 12.3-14W/12v
Nomad Racing FK ETC. (FK-130) CCW 55,000 RPM/12v
Nomad Racing Pit Bull (FK-180) CCW 48,000 RPM/12v
NSR Shark (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
164 gcm/12v, 8.2W/12v
NSR Shark (FC-130) 22,400 RPM/12v, tested 21,100 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
168 gcm/12v, tested 155 gcm/12v by T, 9.2W/12v, tested 8.2W/12v by T.
NSR Shark (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
176 gcm/12v, 11.0W/12v
NSR Shark (FC-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
210 gcm/12v, 15.8W/12v
NSR Shark (FC-130) 40,000 RPM
210 gcm/12v, 21.0W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 16,800 RPM/12v, tested 16,200 RPM/12v
211 gcm/12v, 8.9W/12v, tested 192 gcm/12v, tested 7.8W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 21,400 RPM/12v; tested 21,404 RPM/12v
270 gcm/12v, 14.4W/12v
NSR King 21 Evo 2 (FK-180) 21,400 RPM/12v, tested 22,850 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
322 gcm/12v, 16.8W/12v; tested 292 gcm/12v, tested 16.7W/12v by T.
NSR King (FK-180) 25,000 RPM/12v
270 gcm/12v, 16.9W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 30,000 RPM/12v
310 gcm/12v, 23.3W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 38,500 RPM/12v
310 gcm/12v, 29.8W/12v
NSR King (FK-180) 46,000 RPM/12v
310 gcm/12v, 35.7W/12v
Parma 458 Homeset-Transformer (16D) tested 18,360 RPM/12v
Parma Death Star (16D) tested 38,042 RPM/12v
Parma Super 16D tested 50,766 RPM/12v,
tested 202 gcm/12v, tested 25.6W/12v
Patto's Little Ripper (FK-130) 37,000 RPM/12v
Pink-Kar Type 1 (SH-030) 19,700/12v, 24,800 RPM/18v
Pink-Kar Power Plus 1 (FC-130) 13,100 RPM/12v
Pink-Kar Competi Power Plus 3 (FK-180) [17,432 RPM/12v] 21,500 RPM/14.8v
[264 gcm/12v] 326 gcm/14.8v, 11.5W/12v
Pioneer Cyclone 15,000 RPM/12v
Pioneer Hurricane (FF-050) 21,000 RPM/12v
Pioneer Typhoon (FC-130) 15,000 RPM/12v
Pioneer Typhoon (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v, tested 18,967 RPM/12v
tested 131 gcm/12v, tested 6.2W/12v
Pioneer Typhoon (FC-130) 21,300 RPM/12v
150 gcm/12v
Pittman; see listing under Vintage
Plafit Rabbit (FC-130) 24,000 RPM/12v (21,800 RPM/12v per Prof. Motor)
.5A, (100 gcm/12v per Prof Motor, 5.5W/12v)
Plafit Pointer (FK-130) 21,700 RPM/12v per Prof. Motor
112 gcm/12v per Prof. Motor, 6.1W/12v
Plafit Fox (FK-130) 25,000 RPM/12v; tested 26,500/12v
Plafit Fox II (FK-130) 27,000 RPM/12v, tested 26,866 RPM/12v
.7A, tested 208 gcm/12v, tested 14.0W/12v
Plafit Cheetah closed can (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
Plafit Cheetah II open can (FK-130) 35,000 RPM/12v (36,000 RPM/12v per Prof. Motor)
.9A (250 gcm/12v per Prof. Motor, 22.5W/12v)
PN Racing Misuwa (FC-130) 27,810 RPM/12v
PN Racing Nasaka (FC-130) 21,660 RPM/12v, 27,450 RPM/14.8v; tested 22,502 RPM/12v
tested 196 gcm/12v, tested 11.0W/12v
~50 gr magnetic downforce (Magnet Marshal @ .042" ground clearance)
Power Slot Nissan (FK-180) [21,429 RPM/12v] 25,000 RPM/14v
Power Slot PS-1 (FK-180) [19,054 RPM/12v] 23,500 RPM/14.8v
Power Slot PS-2 (FF-050) 13,000 RPM/12v
Power Slot PS-3 (?) [21,429 RPM/12v] 25,000/14v
Professor Motor Hot Rod Pro “orange endbell” (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12v, tested 27,000- 28,607 RPM/12v
105 gcm/12v, 6.9W/12v
Professor Motor Fox 10 (FK-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
204 gcm/12v, 12.8W/12v
Pro Slot Evo 1 “blue label” (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v
Pro Slot Evo 2 “gold label” (FC-130) 21,500 RPM/12v, tested 20,527-22,443 RPM/12v
80 gcm/12v, 4.3W/12v
Pro Slot Evo 3 “red label” (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12v
100 gcm/12v, 6.5W/12v
Pro Slot Evo 4 (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v, tested 26,000/12v
Pro Slot Euro Mk1 (FC-130) 26,100+ RPM/12v tested 27, 616 RPM/12v CW
155 gcm/12v, 10.1W/12v tested 184 gcm/12v CW, tested 12.7W/12v
Pro Slot Euro Mk1 (FC-130) 37,000+ RPM/12v
165 gcm/12v, 15.3W/12v
Pro Slot Euro Mk1 (FC-130) 47,000+ RPM/12v
155 gcm/12v, 18.3W/12v
Radio Shack 6v (FF-030) tested 29,326 RPM/12v,
tested 46 gcm/12v, tested 3.4W/12v
Radio Shack 7.5v (FF-030) tested 31,674 RPM/12v,
Radio Shack 7.5v (FF-030) tested 31,674 RPM/12v,
tested 42 gcm/12v, tested 3.3W/12v
Radio Shack 9v (FF-030) tested 29,849 RPM/12v,
Radio Shack 9v (FF-030) tested 29,849 RPM/12v,
tested 48 gcm/12v, tested 3.6W/12v
Ranch Design GM14955 (SH-030) tested 27,932 RPM/12v
Ranch Design GM9330 (FF-050) tested 39,312 RPM/12v
tested 105 gcm/12v, 10.1W
Revell-Monogram standard (FC-130) tested 20,800-24,579/12v
Revell-Monogram High Performance (FC-130) tested 26,000 RPM/12v
Revell-Monogram slim can (FF-050) tested 18,836-20,244 RPM/12v
tested 130-131 gcm/12v, tested 6.3-6.4W/12v
Revell-Pittman; see Pittman listing under Vintage
Scaleauto SC01 fits Carrera 1/24 [12,000 RPM/12v] 18,000 RPM/18v
Scaleauto SC02 [12,000/12v] 18,000 RPM/18v
Scaleauto SC04 “red” (FK-180) 29,000 RPM/12v
360 gcm/12v, 26.1W/12v
Ranch Design GM14955 (SH-030) tested 27,932 RPM/12v
Ranch Design GM9330 (FF-050) tested 39,312 RPM/12v
tested 105 gcm/12v, 10.1W
Revell-Monogram standard (FC-130) tested 20,800-24,579/12v
Revell-Monogram High Performance (FC-130) tested 26,000 RPM/12v
Revell-Monogram slim can (FF-050) tested 18,836-20,244 RPM/12v
tested 130-131 gcm/12v, tested 6.3-6.4W/12v
Revell-Pittman; see Pittman listing under Vintage
Scaleauto SC01 fits Carrera 1/24 [12,000 RPM/12v] 18,000 RPM/18v
Scaleauto SC02 [12,000/12v] 18,000 RPM/18v
Scaleauto SC04 “red” (FK-180) 29,000 RPM/12v
360 gcm/12v, 26.1W/12v
Scaleauto SC04 new version "red" (FK-180) 33,000 RPM/12v
360 gcm/12v, 29.7W
Scaleauto SC05 “red” (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
280 gcm/12v, 21.0W/12v
Scaleauto SC05 “red” (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
280 gcm/12v, 21.0W/12v
Scaleauto SC05 new version "red" (FK-130) 38,000 RPM/12v
280 gcm/12v, 26.6W
Scaleauto/MRRC SC06 “red” (FC-130) 28,000 RPM/12v, tested 29,000-34,268 RPM/12v
180 gcm/12v, 12.6W/12v
Scaleauto/MRRC SC06 “red” (FC-130) 28,000 RPM/12v, tested 29,000-34,268 RPM/12v
180 gcm/12v, 12.6W/12v
Scaleauto SC06 new version "red" (FC-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
160 gcm/12v, 12W/12v
Scaleauto SC07 “red” (FC-130) 35,000 RPM/12v
190 gcm/12v, 16.6W/12v
Scaleauto SC07 “red” (FC-130) 35,000 RPM/12v
190 gcm/12v, 16.6W/12v
Scaleauto SC07 new version "red" (FC-130) 36,000 RPM/12v
190 gcm/12v, 17.1W/12v
Scaleauto SC08 Tech-1 “silver” (FC-130) 19,900 RPM/12v
80 gcm/12v, 4.0W/12v
Scaleauto SC08 new version Tech-1 "silver" (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v, tested 24,636 RPM/12v
170 gcm/12v, 8.5W/12v, tested 174 gcm/12v, tested 10.7W/12v
Scaleauto SC09 Tech-2 “yellow” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
90 gcm/12v, 5.6W/12v
Scaleauto SC08 Tech-1 “silver” (FC-130) 19,900 RPM/12v
80 gcm/12v, 4.0W/12v
Scaleauto SC08 new version Tech-1 "silver" (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v, tested 24,636 RPM/12v
170 gcm/12v, 8.5W/12v, tested 174 gcm/12v, tested 10.7W/12v
Scaleauto SC09 Tech-2 “yellow” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
90 gcm/12v, 5.6W/12v
Scaleauto new version Tech-1 "yellow" (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
170 gcm/12v, 10.6W/12v
Scaleauto SC10 Tech-3 “black” (FC-130) 29,900 RPM/12v
100 gcm/12v, 7.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC10 Tech-3 “black” (FC-130) 29,900 RPM/12v
100 gcm/12v, 7.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC10 new version Tech-3 "black" (FC-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
185 gcm/12v, 9.3W/12v
Scaleauto SC11 Tech-1 “silver” (FK-180) 20,000 RPM/12v
180 gcm/12v, 9.0W/12v
Scaeauto SC11 new version Tech-1 "silver" (FK-180) 20,000 RPM/12v
Scaleauto SC11 Tech-1 “silver” (FK-180) 20,000 RPM/12v
180 gcm/12v, 9.0W/12v
Scaeauto SC11 new version Tech-1 "silver" (FK-180) 20,000 RPM/12v
260 gcm/12v, 13.0W/12v
Scaleauto SC12 Tech-2 “yellow” (FK-180) 25,000 RPM/12v
200 gcm/12v, 12.5W/12v
200 gcm/12v, 12.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC12 new version Tech-2 "yellow" (FK-180) 25,000 RPM/12v
280 gcm/12v, 17.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC13 Tech-3 “black” (FK-180) 29,900 RPM/12v
220 gcm/12v, 16.4W/12v
Scaleauto SC13 Tech-3 “black” (FK-180) 29,900 RPM/12v
220 gcm/12v, 16.4W/12v
Scaleauto SC13 new version Tech-3 "black" (FK-180) 30,000 RPM/12v
330 gcm/12v, 24.8W/12v
Scaleauto SC0025 21,000 RPM/12v "gray" (FK-180)
320 gcm/12v, 16.8W/12v
Scaleauto SC14 Tech-1 “silver” (FK-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
220 gcm/12v, 11.0W/12v
330 gcm/12v, 24.8W/12v
Scaleauto SC0025 21,000 RPM/12v "gray" (FK-180)
320 gcm/12v, 16.8W/12v
Scaleauto SC14 Tech-1 “silver” (FK-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
220 gcm/12v, 11.0W/12v
Scaleauto SC14 new version Tech-1 "silver" (FK-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
170 gcm/12v, 8.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC15 Tech-2 “yellow” (FK-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
230 gcm/12v, 14.4W/12v
Scaleauto SC16 Tech-3 “black” (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
260 gcm/12v, 19.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC17 Tech-1 "silver" (FF-050) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 21,124-21,405 RPM/12v
70 gcm/12v, tested 108 gcm/12v, 3.5W/12v, tested 5.7W/12v
Scaleauto SC18 Tech-2 "yellow" (FF-050) 25,000 RPM/12v, tested 25,681-26,108 RPM/12v
90 gcm/12v, 5.6W/12, tested 117-122 gcm/12v, tested 7.7W/12v
Scaleauto SC19 Tech-3 "black" (FF-050) 30,000 RPM/12v, tested 31,417-31,561 RPM/12v
100 gcm/12v, tested 154-157 gcm/12v, 7.5W/12v, tested 12.1-12.3W/12v
Scaleauto SC22 Outlaw "red" (FF-050) 38,000 RPM/12v, tested 39,056 RPM/12v
120 gcm/12v, tested 157 gcm/12v; 11.4W/12v, tested 15.3W/12v
Scaleauto SC23 Home Set "white" (FF-050) 10,000 RPM/12v; tested 10,344 RPM/12v
45 gcm/12v, 1.1W/12v
Scaleauto SC24 Home Set "white" (FC-130) 10,000 RPM/12v; tested 10,203 RPM/12v
100 gcm/12v, 2.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC20 Ball Bearing "blue" (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 23,147-24,351 RPM/12v
170 gcm/12v; tested 151 gcm/12v, tested 8.7W/12v
Scaleauto SC21 Ball Bearing "blue" (FK-180) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 21,669 RPM/12v
250 gcm/12v; tested 294 gcm/12v, tested 15.9W/12v
Scalextric standard “black stripe”, Sport (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 20,577-22,300 RPM/12v
tested 99-104 gcm/12v, tested 5.3W/12v
Scalextric Protec (FK-130) tested 26,227 RPM/12v
Scalextric Moto Bike (FF-050) 18,000 RPM/12v, tested 22,731 RPM/12v
tested 139 gcm/12v, tested 7.9W/12v
Scalextric F1 (FF-050) 18,000 RPM/12v, tested 22,861 RPM/12v
tested 147 gcm/12v, tested 8.3W/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “red” (FF-050) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 21,168-22,500/12v
tested 144 gcm/12v, tested 7.6W/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “green” (FF-050) 25,000 RPM/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “black” (FF-050) 30,000 RPM/12v; tested 31,000 RPM/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “yellow” (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 23,400-24,837 RPM/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “orange” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “blue” (FC-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
Scalextric Mini prototype (FF-050) 15,000 RPM/10v [18,000 RPM/12v]
SCX RX Vintage (open frame, single magnet) tested 19,509 RPM/12v
SCX RX-4 16,400 RPM/12v; tested 13,367 RPM/12v
SCX RX-41 16,400 RPM/12v; tested 14,378 RPM/12v
SCX F1 16,400 RPM/12v; tested 13,500-15,390 RPM/12v, tested 77 gcm/12v, 2.8W/12v
SCX RX-42 16,400 RPM/12v; tested 14,971-15,400 RPM/12v
SCX RX6B (was RX6) 18,000 RPM/12v
SCX RX-81B 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 17,184 RPM/12v
SCX RX-42B 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 17,927-18,900 RPM/12v
tested 130 gcm/12v, tested 5.8W/12v
SCX RX-41B 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 18,256 RPM/12v
SCX Pro Turbo 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 20,100 RPM/12v
SCX Pro Turbo Plus 19,000 RPM/12v; tested 20,340 RPM/12v
SCX RX-62C 19,000 RPM/12v; tested 18,540-20,622 RPM/12v
SCX RX-91; tested 20,533 RPM/12v
SCX Pro Speed Double Rally 19,100 RPM/12v
135 gcm/12v, 6.4W/12v
SCX Pro Speed 19,600 RPM/12v; tested 18,800-20,717 RPM/12v
140 gcm/12v; tested 123 gcm/12v, tested 6.4W/12v
SCX Pro RX-4H 25,000 RPM/12v; tested 27,282 RPM/12v
SCX RX-42E Club Porsche tested 20,750 RPM/12v. Same armature as Pro Speed.
SCX Compact 1/43 (FF-030) 22,000 RPM/12v
33 gcm/12v, 1.8W/12v
SCX motors, all, detailed discussion and photos:
Slick 7 Mini Motor (FK-130) 40,000+ RPM/12v
Slot Car Express Fyrebox-1 (SH-030) tested 38,582-41,542 RPM/12v
tested 69-72 gcm/12v, tested 6.7-7.5W/12v
Slot Car Heroes F1 (FF-050), tested 36,500-39,312 RPM/12v
tested 105 gcm/12v, tested 10.1W/12v
Slot Car Heroes SS10 (FC-130) 33,000 RPM/12v
94 gcm/12v, 8.7W/12v
Sloter “black stripe” (FC-130) tested 22,304 RPM/12v
est. 75 gcm/12v, est 3.9W/12v
Sloting Plus Rally-1 (FK-180) 18,000 RPM/12v
230 gcm/12v, 10.4W/12v
Sloting Plus Speed-1 (FK-180) 21,000 RPM/12v
210 gcm/12v, 11.0W/12v
Sloting Plus Speed 2 (FK-180) 21,000 RPM/12v; tested 22,000 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
320 gcm/12v, 16.8W/12v; tested 290 gcm/12v by Torquemadaslot; tested 16.0W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 “black” (FC-130) 23,000 RPM/12v; tested 19,499-24,607 RPM/12v
83 gcm/12v, 4.8W/12v, tested 125-147 gcm/12v
Slot.It V12/1c “silver” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v; tested 25,163-28,098 RPM/12v
135 gcm/12v, 8.4W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 “silver” (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12v
135 gcm/12v, 8.8W/12v
Slot.It V12/2b “silver” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v, tested 20,746-26,164 RPM/12v
122 gcm/12v, 7.6W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 “gold” (FC-130) 29,000 RPM/12v; tested 30,027-31,651 RPM/12v
105 gcm/12v, 7.6W/12v
Slot.It V12/3 “orange endbell” (FC-130) 21,500 RPM/12v; tested 22,500-23,766 RPM/12v
170 gcm/12v, 9.1W/12v
Slot.It V12/3 “yellow endbell” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v; tested 27,431-29,590 RPM/12v
180 gcm/12v, 11.3W/12v
Slot.It V12/3 "red endbell" (FC-130) 29,000 RPM/12v; tested 30,660-32,392 RPM/12v
160 gcm/12v, 11.6W/12v; tested 216-240 gcm/12v; tested 16.7-18.1W/12v
Slot.It V12/3 "blue/teal endbell" (FC-130) 19,500 RPM/12v, tested 19,232-21,025 RPM/12v
130 gcm/12v, tested 150 gcm/12v, tested 6.3W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 Boxer 17 (FK-180) 17,000 RPM/12v, 20,967/14.8v
221 gcm/12v, 336 gcm 14.8v, 9.4W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 Boxer 24 (FK-180) 24,000 RPM/12v, 29,600/14.8v; tested 21,274-22,800 RPM/12v
135 gcm/12v, 205 gcm/14.8v, 8.1W/12v
Slot.It Boxer/2 “blue” (FK-180) 16,000 RPM/12v
290 gcm/12v, 11.6W/12v
Slot.It Boxer/2 “orange” (FK-180) 20,000 (early) 21,500 (later) RPM/12v; tested 21,127 RPM/12v (open can), 19,966 RPM/12v (closed can)
340 gcm/12v, 18.3W/12v
Slot.It Flat-6 20,500 RPM/12v
200 gcm/12v - 10g mag downforce, 10.3W/12v
Slot.It Flat-6R 22,000 RPM/12v, tested 22,523 RPM/12v
220 gcm/12v - 22-24g mag downforce, 12.1W/12v
Slot.It Flat-6R 22,000 RPM/12v
220 gcm/12v - 6g mag downforce, 12.1W/12v
Spirit Ferrari 512M, Lola B2K (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
Spirit Reynard, Dallara; earlier production (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12v, tested 28,101 RPM/12v
Spirit 5X-03 (FK-130) 26,000 RPM/12v
Spirit SX01 (FC-130) 24,000 RPM/12v
Spirit SX03 (FK-180) 18,750 RPM/12v, 23,010 RPM/14.8v, 14g mag downforce
Spirit S3X (FK-180) 24,000 RPM/12v(?); tested 19,725-19,814 RPM/12v, 26,163 RPM/15v
Spirit S3X (unmarked) in Peugeot 406 (FK-180) tested 20,581 RPM/12v
Spirit SxXx (FK-180) 20,640 RPM/12v, 25,380 RM/14.8v, 57g mag downforce
[106 gcm/12v] 131 gcm/14.8v. Tested 20,745 RPM/12v, tested 329 gcm/12v, tested 17.1W/12v
Spirit LeMans (FK-180) [19,459 RPM/12v] 24,00 RPM/14.8v, tested 20,926 RPM/12v,
tested 280 gcm/12v, tested 14.6W/12v
Team Slot TS-6 (FC-130) tested 20,600 RPM/12v
Team Slot TS-9 (FK-180) tested 18,400 RPM/12v
Scaleauto SC15 Tech-2 “yellow” (FK-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
230 gcm/12v, 14.4W/12v
Scaleauto SC16 Tech-3 “black” (FK-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
260 gcm/12v, 19.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC17 Tech-1 "silver" (FF-050) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 21,124-21,405 RPM/12v
70 gcm/12v, tested 108 gcm/12v, 3.5W/12v, tested 5.7W/12v
Scaleauto SC18 Tech-2 "yellow" (FF-050) 25,000 RPM/12v, tested 25,681-26,108 RPM/12v
90 gcm/12v, 5.6W/12, tested 117-122 gcm/12v, tested 7.7W/12v
Scaleauto SC19 Tech-3 "black" (FF-050) 30,000 RPM/12v, tested 31,417-31,561 RPM/12v
100 gcm/12v, tested 154-157 gcm/12v, 7.5W/12v, tested 12.1-12.3W/12v
Scaleauto SC22 Outlaw "red" (FF-050) 38,000 RPM/12v, tested 39,056 RPM/12v
120 gcm/12v, tested 157 gcm/12v; 11.4W/12v, tested 15.3W/12v
Scaleauto SC23 Home Set "white" (FF-050) 10,000 RPM/12v; tested 10,344 RPM/12v
45 gcm/12v, 1.1W/12v
Scaleauto SC24 Home Set "white" (FC-130) 10,000 RPM/12v; tested 10,203 RPM/12v
100 gcm/12v, 2.5W/12v
Scaleauto SC20 Ball Bearing "blue" (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 23,147-24,351 RPM/12v
170 gcm/12v; tested 151 gcm/12v, tested 8.7W/12v
Scaleauto SC21 Ball Bearing "blue" (FK-180) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 21,669 RPM/12v
250 gcm/12v; tested 294 gcm/12v, tested 15.9W/12v
Scalextric standard “black stripe”, Sport (FC-130) 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 20,577-22,300 RPM/12v
tested 99-104 gcm/12v, tested 5.3W/12v
Scalextric Protec (FK-130) tested 26,227 RPM/12v
Scalextric Moto Bike (FF-050) 18,000 RPM/12v, tested 22,731 RPM/12v
tested 139 gcm/12v, tested 7.9W/12v
Scalextric F1 (FF-050) 18,000 RPM/12v, tested 22,861 RPM/12v
tested 147 gcm/12v, tested 8.3W/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “red” (FF-050) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 21,168-22,500/12v
tested 144 gcm/12v, tested 7.6W/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “green” (FF-050) 25,000 RPM/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “black” (FF-050) 30,000 RPM/12v; tested 31,000 RPM/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “yellow” (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 23,400-24,837 RPM/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “orange” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v
Scalextric Sport Plus “blue” (FC-130) 30,000 RPM/12v
Scalextric Mini prototype (FF-050) 15,000 RPM/10v [18,000 RPM/12v]
SCX RX Vintage (open frame, single magnet) tested 19,509 RPM/12v
SCX RX-4 16,400 RPM/12v; tested 13,367 RPM/12v
SCX RX-41 16,400 RPM/12v; tested 14,378 RPM/12v
SCX F1 16,400 RPM/12v; tested 13,500-15,390 RPM/12v, tested 77 gcm/12v, 2.8W/12v
SCX RX-42 16,400 RPM/12v; tested 14,971-15,400 RPM/12v
SCX RX6B (was RX6) 18,000 RPM/12v
SCX RX-81B 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 17,184 RPM/12v
SCX RX-42B 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 17,927-18,900 RPM/12v
tested 130 gcm/12v, tested 5.8W/12v
SCX RX-41B 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 18,256 RPM/12v
SCX Pro Turbo 18,000 RPM/12v; tested 20,100 RPM/12v
SCX Pro Turbo Plus 19,000 RPM/12v; tested 20,340 RPM/12v
SCX RX-62C 19,000 RPM/12v; tested 18,540-20,622 RPM/12v
SCX RX-91; tested 20,533 RPM/12v
SCX Pro Speed Double Rally 19,100 RPM/12v
135 gcm/12v, 6.4W/12v
SCX Pro Speed 19,600 RPM/12v; tested 18,800-20,717 RPM/12v
140 gcm/12v; tested 123 gcm/12v, tested 6.4W/12v
SCX Pro RX-4H 25,000 RPM/12v; tested 27,282 RPM/12v
SCX RX-42E Club Porsche tested 20,750 RPM/12v. Same armature as Pro Speed.
SCX Compact 1/43 (FF-030) 22,000 RPM/12v
33 gcm/12v, 1.8W/12v
SCX motors, all, detailed discussion and photos:
Slick 7 Mini Motor (FK-130) 40,000+ RPM/12v
Slot Car Express Fyrebox-1 (SH-030) tested 38,582-41,542 RPM/12v
tested 69-72 gcm/12v, tested 6.7-7.5W/12v
Slot Car Heroes F1 (FF-050), tested 36,500-39,312 RPM/12v
tested 105 gcm/12v, tested 10.1W/12v
Slot Car Heroes SS10 (FC-130) 33,000 RPM/12v
94 gcm/12v, 8.7W/12v
Sloter “black stripe” (FC-130) tested 22,304 RPM/12v
est. 75 gcm/12v, est 3.9W/12v
Sloting Plus Rally-1 (FK-180) 18,000 RPM/12v
230 gcm/12v, 10.4W/12v
Sloting Plus Speed-1 (FK-180) 21,000 RPM/12v
210 gcm/12v, 11.0W/12v
Sloting Plus Speed 2 (FK-180) 21,000 RPM/12v; tested 22,000 RPM/12v by Torquemadaslot
320 gcm/12v, 16.8W/12v; tested 290 gcm/12v by Torquemadaslot; tested 16.0W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 “black” (FC-130) 23,000 RPM/12v; tested 19,499-24,607 RPM/12v
83 gcm/12v, 4.8W/12v, tested 125-147 gcm/12v
Slot.It V12/1c “silver” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v; tested 25,163-28,098 RPM/12v
135 gcm/12v, 8.4W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 “silver” (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12v
135 gcm/12v, 8.8W/12v
Slot.It V12/2b “silver” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v, tested 20,746-26,164 RPM/12v
122 gcm/12v, 7.6W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 “gold” (FC-130) 29,000 RPM/12v; tested 30,027-31,651 RPM/12v
105 gcm/12v, 7.6W/12v
Slot.It V12/3 “orange endbell” (FC-130) 21,500 RPM/12v; tested 22,500-23,766 RPM/12v
170 gcm/12v, 9.1W/12v
Slot.It V12/3 “yellow endbell” (FC-130) 25,000 RPM/12v; tested 27,431-29,590 RPM/12v
180 gcm/12v, 11.3W/12v
Slot.It V12/3 "red endbell" (FC-130) 29,000 RPM/12v; tested 30,660-32,392 RPM/12v
160 gcm/12v, 11.6W/12v; tested 216-240 gcm/12v; tested 16.7-18.1W/12v
Slot.It V12/3 "blue/teal endbell" (FC-130) 19,500 RPM/12v, tested 19,232-21,025 RPM/12v
130 gcm/12v, tested 150 gcm/12v, tested 6.3W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 Boxer 17 (FK-180) 17,000 RPM/12v, 20,967/14.8v
221 gcm/12v, 336 gcm 14.8v, 9.4W/12v
Slot.It V12/2 Boxer 24 (FK-180) 24,000 RPM/12v, 29,600/14.8v; tested 21,274-22,800 RPM/12v
135 gcm/12v, 205 gcm/14.8v, 8.1W/12v
Slot.It Boxer/2 “blue” (FK-180) 16,000 RPM/12v
290 gcm/12v, 11.6W/12v
Slot.It Boxer/2 “orange” (FK-180) 20,000 (early) 21,500 (later) RPM/12v; tested 21,127 RPM/12v (open can), 19,966 RPM/12v (closed can)
340 gcm/12v, 18.3W/12v
Slot.It Flat-6 20,500 RPM/12v
200 gcm/12v - 10g mag downforce, 10.3W/12v
Slot.It Flat-6R 22,000 RPM/12v, tested 22,523 RPM/12v
220 gcm/12v - 22-24g mag downforce, 12.1W/12v
Slot.It Flat-6R 22,000 RPM/12v
220 gcm/12v - 6g mag downforce, 12.1W/12v
Spirit Ferrari 512M, Lola B2K (FC-130) 20,000 RPM/12v
Spirit Reynard, Dallara; earlier production (FC-130) 26,000 RPM/12v, tested 28,101 RPM/12v
Spirit 5X-03 (FK-130) 26,000 RPM/12v
Spirit SX01 (FC-130) 24,000 RPM/12v
Spirit SX03 (FK-180) 18,750 RPM/12v, 23,010 RPM/14.8v, 14g mag downforce
Spirit S3X (FK-180) 24,000 RPM/12v(?); tested 19,725-19,814 RPM/12v, 26,163 RPM/15v
Spirit S3X (unmarked) in Peugeot 406 (FK-180) tested 20,581 RPM/12v
Spirit SxXx (FK-180) 20,640 RPM/12v, 25,380 RM/14.8v, 57g mag downforce
[106 gcm/12v] 131 gcm/14.8v. Tested 20,745 RPM/12v, tested 329 gcm/12v, tested 17.1W/12v
Spirit LeMans (FK-180) [19,459 RPM/12v] 24,00 RPM/14.8v, tested 20,926 RPM/12v,
tested 280 gcm/12v, tested 14.6W/12v
Team Slot TS-6 (FC-130) tested 20,600 RPM/12v
Team Slot TS-9 (FK-180) tested 18,400 RPM/12v
Team Slot TS-11 (FK-180) (21,429 RPM/12v) 25,000 RPM/14v
(249 gcm/12v) 290 gcm/14v
TSRF “nickel” (FK-130) tested 36,500 CCW (36,700 CW) RPM/12v
TSR D3 (FK-130) 45,000 RPM/12v tested 47,590 CCW RPM/12v
120 gcm/12v, 13.5W/12v tested 271 gcm/12v CCW, tested 32.2W/12v
Vanquish MG no label (FK-180) tested 15,234 RPM/12v
tested 166 gcm/12v, 6.3W/12v
Vanquish MG "FK-180SH KD103310" (FK-180) tested 17,944 RPM/12v
tested 195 gcm/12v, 8.7W/12v
Vintage motors:
Link to excellent vintage motor site:
Vintage open frame, single magnet motors:
Pittman Bilet DC-63M tested 13,600 RPM/12v
Pittman DC-195A 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 22,751 RPM/12v
45 gcm/12v, 2.3W/12v
Pittman DC-196A 21,000 RPM/12v
45 gcm/12v, 2.4W/12v
Pittman DC-196B 28,000 RPM/12v, tested 26,066-28,031 RPM/12v
Revell Pittman RP-66A tested 21,680 RPM/12v
Revell Pittman RP-77 tested 19,125 RPM/12v
Pittman DC-70 16,500 RPM/12v
85 gcm/12v, 3.5W/12v
Pittman DC-70-6v tested 24,675 RPM/12v
Pittman DC-65A (laminated frame) 17,000 RPM/12v
75 gcm/12v, 3.2W/12v
Pittman DC-65A-6v (laminated frame) tested 32,500 RPM/12v
Pittman DC-85A (laminated frame) 11,500 RPM/12v
259 gcm/12v, 7.4W/12v
Pittman DC-85A-6v (laminated frame) tested 25,354 RPM/12v
Strombecker/Allstate 8,500 RPM/12v
17 gcm/12v, 0.4W/12v
Strombecker Scuttler 12v 22,000 RPM/12v
Strombecker Scuttler 6v tested 35,250 RPM/12v
Tyco 902 12v Inline 24,000 RPM/12v, tested 18,000-23,200 RPM/12v
36 gcm/12v, 2.2W/12v
Tyco 901 6v Inline 30,000 RPM/12v; tested 24,088 RPM/12v with extra field magnets
Tyco 952 12v Sidewinder 18,500 RPM/12v
Tyco 951 6v Sidewinder 25,500 RPM/12v
Vintage can motors:
Russkit 22 (FT-16) 22,500 RPM/12v
62 gcm/12v, 3.5W/12v
Revell SP-500 (FT-16) est. 18,000-20,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP-510X (FT-16) 27,500 RPM/12v
Monogram X-100 (FT-16) est. 20,000 RPM/12v
Cox TTX-150 (FT-16D) 36,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP-80 (FT-16D) 37,500 RPM/12v
Monogram X-110 (FT-16D) 40,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP-600 (FT-36) 20,000 RPM/12v
Russkit 33 (FT-36) 24,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP90 (FT-36D) 28,000 RPM/12v
144 gcm/12v, 10.1W/12v
AMT "purple" (FT-36D) tested 24,587 RPM/12v
Monogram X-88 (FT-13D) 40,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP40 (FT-13D) 30,000 RPM/12v
50 gcm/12v, 3.8W/12v
Kemtron Bullet (FT-13D) 30,000 RPM/12v, tested 35,928 RPM/12v
50 gcm/12v, 3.8W/12v
TSRF “nickel” (FK-130) tested 36,500 CCW (36,700 CW) RPM/12v
TSR D3 (FK-130) 45,000 RPM/12v tested 47,590 CCW RPM/12v
120 gcm/12v, 13.5W/12v tested 271 gcm/12v CCW, tested 32.2W/12v
Vanquish MG no label (FK-180) tested 15,234 RPM/12v
tested 166 gcm/12v, 6.3W/12v
Vanquish MG "FK-180SH KD103310" (FK-180) tested 17,944 RPM/12v
tested 195 gcm/12v, 8.7W/12v
Vintage motors:
Link to excellent vintage motor site:
Vintage open frame, single magnet motors:
Pittman Bilet DC-63M tested 13,600 RPM/12v
Pittman DC-195A 20,000 RPM/12v; tested 22,751 RPM/12v
45 gcm/12v, 2.3W/12v
Pittman DC-196A 21,000 RPM/12v
45 gcm/12v, 2.4W/12v
Pittman DC-196B 28,000 RPM/12v, tested 26,066-28,031 RPM/12v
Revell Pittman RP-66A tested 21,680 RPM/12v
Revell Pittman RP-77 tested 19,125 RPM/12v
Pittman DC-70 16,500 RPM/12v
85 gcm/12v, 3.5W/12v
Pittman DC-70-6v tested 24,675 RPM/12v
Pittman DC-65A (laminated frame) 17,000 RPM/12v
75 gcm/12v, 3.2W/12v
Pittman DC-65A-6v (laminated frame) tested 32,500 RPM/12v
Pittman DC-85A (laminated frame) 11,500 RPM/12v
259 gcm/12v, 7.4W/12v
Pittman DC-85A-6v (laminated frame) tested 25,354 RPM/12v
Strombecker/Allstate 8,500 RPM/12v
17 gcm/12v, 0.4W/12v
Strombecker Scuttler 12v 22,000 RPM/12v
Strombecker Scuttler 6v tested 35,250 RPM/12v
Tyco 902 12v Inline 24,000 RPM/12v, tested 18,000-23,200 RPM/12v
36 gcm/12v, 2.2W/12v
Tyco 901 6v Inline 30,000 RPM/12v; tested 24,088 RPM/12v with extra field magnets
Tyco 952 12v Sidewinder 18,500 RPM/12v
Tyco 951 6v Sidewinder 25,500 RPM/12v
Vintage can motors:
Russkit 22 (FT-16) 22,500 RPM/12v
62 gcm/12v, 3.5W/12v
Revell SP-500 (FT-16) est. 18,000-20,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP-510X (FT-16) 27,500 RPM/12v
Monogram X-100 (FT-16) est. 20,000 RPM/12v
Cox TTX-150 (FT-16D) 36,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP-80 (FT-16D) 37,500 RPM/12v
Monogram X-110 (FT-16D) 40,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP-600 (FT-36) 20,000 RPM/12v
Russkit 33 (FT-36) 24,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP90 (FT-36D) 28,000 RPM/12v
144 gcm/12v, 10.1W/12v
AMT "purple" (FT-36D) tested 24,587 RPM/12v
Monogram X-88 (FT-13D) 40,000 RPM/12v
Revell SP40 (FT-13D) 30,000 RPM/12v
50 gcm/12v, 3.8W/12v
Kemtron Bullet (FT-13D) 30,000 RPM/12v, tested 35,928 RPM/12v
50 gcm/12v, 3.8W/12v
Dates of changes to the list during 2009.
12/26/09: NINCO NC2 black and red label, RPM and torque tested.
12/21/09: Three Radio Shack small motors RPM and torque tested.
12/14/09: Scaleauto new-version SC08 20k motor RPM and torque tested.
12/13/09: Avant Slot motors updated according to Avant Slot catalog.
12/12/09: Scalextric standard, black stripe motor torque tested, two samples.
11/20/09: H&R Racing Lightning RPM tested.
11/19/09: All test results for torque and RPM highlighted in red.
11/13/09: Fly truck motor, Scalextric Moto Bike slim RPM and torque tested.
11/11/09: Torque tests for Scalextric slim red can, F1 slim; Scaleauto slim silver, slim red, slim black; Revell-Monogram slim; MRRC slim.
11/8/09: Ninco XLOT-1 torque tested.
10/7/09: MB Slot Song NA long can RPM and torque tests from Torquemadaslot.
9/24/09: Avant Slot Wizard RPM and torque tests from Torquemadaslot.
9/22/09: Scaleauto SCO8 new version RPM and torque added.
9/5/09: Plafit Rabbit, Pointer, Cheetah II RPM and torque from Professor Motor added.
8/25/09: JP Slot long can added.
8/13/09: BWA NC1-spec standard can RPM and torque tested.
7/27/09: Mainline Hobbies Rush 36k (new version) RPM and torque tested.
7/14/09: Fly black endbell RPM and torque tested (second sample).
7/4/09: Scaleauto slim can 25k, PN Racing Nasaka, Plafit Fox II RPM and torque tested.
7/1/09: MRRC Porsche 910 slim can RPM tested.
5/21/09: Pioneer motors added.
5/14/09: MB Slot Dodo tests by Torquemadaslot.
5/6/09: Nomad Racing FK ETC. and Pit Bull RPM added.
4/17/09: More Avant Slot, MRRC Clubman motors, from www.criccrac.es
3/30/09: BWA NC1-spec standard can added.
3/21/09: Fly black endbell (FC-130) RPM and torque tested.
3/16/09: Pink Kar Power Plus 1 RPM from Racebaan added.
3/8/09: Spirit LeMans long can RPM and torque tested.
3/7/09: Spirit SxXx long can RPM and torque tested.
2/28/09: Slot.It Boxer 2 RPM and wattage revision.
2/23/09: Spirit SxXx torque added. Another RX-42B RPM test (18.9k/12v).
2/6/09: Ninco NC9 "Sparker" and 1/28 XLOT motor added.
1/28/09: Ninco NC10 "Exceeder" added.
1/9/09: BWA FF-050, Ninco NC1, NC8, Slot.It black can RPM and torque tested. Three more Avant Slot motors added.
12/21/09: Three Radio Shack small motors RPM and torque tested.
12/14/09: Scaleauto new-version SC08 20k motor RPM and torque tested.
12/13/09: Avant Slot motors updated according to Avant Slot catalog.
12/12/09: Scalextric standard, black stripe motor torque tested, two samples.
11/20/09: H&R Racing Lightning RPM tested.
11/19/09: All test results for torque and RPM highlighted in red.
11/13/09: Fly truck motor, Scalextric Moto Bike slim RPM and torque tested.
11/11/09: Torque tests for Scalextric slim red can, F1 slim; Scaleauto slim silver, slim red, slim black; Revell-Monogram slim; MRRC slim.
11/8/09: Ninco XLOT-1 torque tested.
10/7/09: MB Slot Song NA long can RPM and torque tests from Torquemadaslot.
9/24/09: Avant Slot Wizard RPM and torque tests from Torquemadaslot.
9/22/09: Scaleauto SCO8 new version RPM and torque added.
9/5/09: Plafit Rabbit, Pointer, Cheetah II RPM and torque from Professor Motor added.
8/25/09: JP Slot long can added.
8/13/09: BWA NC1-spec standard can RPM and torque tested.
7/27/09: Mainline Hobbies Rush 36k (new version) RPM and torque tested.
7/14/09: Fly black endbell RPM and torque tested (second sample).
7/4/09: Scaleauto slim can 25k, PN Racing Nasaka, Plafit Fox II RPM and torque tested.
7/1/09: MRRC Porsche 910 slim can RPM tested.
5/21/09: Pioneer motors added.
5/14/09: MB Slot Dodo tests by Torquemadaslot.
5/6/09: Nomad Racing FK ETC. and Pit Bull RPM added.
4/17/09: More Avant Slot, MRRC Clubman motors, from www.criccrac.es
3/30/09: BWA NC1-spec standard can added.
3/21/09: Fly black endbell (FC-130) RPM and torque tested.
3/16/09: Pink Kar Power Plus 1 RPM from Racebaan added.
3/8/09: Spirit LeMans long can RPM and torque tested.
3/7/09: Spirit SxXx long can RPM and torque tested.
2/28/09: Slot.It Boxer 2 RPM and wattage revision.
2/23/09: Spirit SxXx torque added. Another RX-42B RPM test (18.9k/12v).
2/6/09: Ninco NC9 "Sparker" and 1/28 XLOT motor added.
1/28/09: Ninco NC10 "Exceeder" added.
1/9/09: BWA FF-050, Ninco NC1, NC8, Slot.It black can RPM and torque tested. Three more Avant Slot motors added.